Cinema Ads

Mish Mash has produced stills for Val Morgan Advertising and a range of cinema ads and distributor titles for other companies. Here are some examples.

Universal Video 30 second cinema ad for Terminator 2 DVD release

[stream flv=x:/ 30 TVC-1.flv img=x:/ 30 TVC (00733).jpg embed=false share=false width=560 height=340 dock=false controlbar=over skin=imeo.swf bandwidth=high volume=50 autostart=false /]

[stream flv=x:/ tribe knight-1.flv img=x:/ tribe knight.jpg embed=false share=false width=560 height=340 dock=false controlbar=over skin=imeo.swf bandwidth=high volume=50 autostart=false /]

TRIBE Film Distribution

Distributor ident.